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A panorama of past events at the DATADIWAN:

October 30, 1998

Ready for the 32nd Medical Week in Baden Baden we have publiced  in our website under the second  actualised edition "Research Awards in Natural Healing and Physiotherapy". Publishers are the Patientinformation für Naturheilkunde and Prof. Dr. Malte Bühring, who again wrote the foreword.
Some of the awards will not be granted in the future but we have new ones. Represented  for the first time are, the GZM Award sponsored by the International Society for Holistic Dentistry, the HOLISTICA Award and the SEIRIN  Research Award for upcomming scientists. The publication is in German. If you want information  in English please call us. Some of the sponsors accept a manuscript written in English.Thomas Baier

June 22, 1998

The article "Die Misteltherapie des Krebes" (Mistletoe Therapy for Cancer) by P.F. Matthiessen and W. Tröger is an important outline on the effects of the mistletoe therapy for cancer and cites comparisons to studies, extensive charts, and bibliographical references. This text was made available through the generous permission of the publisher and the authors of the book, "Kombinierte Tumortherapie - Grundlagen, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen adjuvanter Methoden" (Combined Tumor Therapies - Basics, Possibilities and Limits of Adjuvant Methods), published by Heinrich Wrba, Hippokrates Verlag Stuttgart, 1995. This too offers an extensive overview of current research into mistletoe therapy and cancer. (Sorry, to the best of our knowledge, currently only available in German!)

June 12, 1998

Mr. Bernhard Harrer has published further articles on Dr. Wilhelm Reich which can be read here at the Datadiwan site:

"The Berlin Journal on Research in Homoeopathy" , published by Prof. Dr. Joachim Hornung and of which only five issues were published, can be now ordered through Patient Information for Complementary Medicine, preferably in connection with a generous donation!

Finally we are proud to annouce the birth of the home page of the Department for Naturopathy at Moabit Hospital/ The University Clinic Benjamin Franklin, under the directorship of Professor Dr. Malta Bühring. This department introduces itself here with a progress report and the site will be continually updated.

Best regards, Thomas Baier

June 4, 1998

We are proud to announce a new cooperation Partner. Our new partnership with the "Scientific and Medical Association" (SMN) will form an international network of approximately 1,800 scientist from 53 countries. SMN was formed in 1973 and its home base is in Great Britian. The goal of SMN is to deepen the understanding of science, medicine and education through scientific analysis as well as through the intutitve examination. It scrutinizes basic assumptions of  modern sciences and medicine which so often are limited to materialist arguments.

Another important step concerns a publication in the current addition of the magazine "Erfahrungsheilkunde", a trade journal published by the Karl F. Haug Verlag in Heidelberg, Germany. This current journal (5/98) focuses on eletromagnetic bioinformation. Mr. Bernhard Harrer wrote an article entitled "Bioinformation Between Life Energy and Qualitative Regulation Processes". This article also has been published on this website.

Additionally, we wanted to let everyone know that the Patient Consultation is running very successfully. The DIWAN MAGAZINE has arroused many international comments as well as discussions concerning life energy research. Our new Technical Information Service increasing has been conducting research for various therapists, researchers and journalists.

In recent months, our colleagues have further old concepts and have been creating new concepts. However, these can only be carried forth with additional, outside financial support. Some of the concepts include:

Hence, we are asking our readers to submit any great ideas, suggestions, or recommendation on how we can realize these projects. We would be so happy to receive any concrete offers for cooperations, donations, and suggestions. One only has to click  HERE once, and then an email window will open so that you can write to us directly. Thank you very much for your visit as well as your continuing support!

April 6, 1998

Our cooperation partner, The Institute for Frontier Sciences (IGW) and the Resch Publishing House, from Innsbruck, Austria, has added comprehensive information to its website presented here on the Datadiwan. Professor Resch, the director of the Institute as well as the publishing house, is not an unknown to many of our readers. For decades and with inexhaustible energy supply, Professor Resch has been researching all relevant themes concerning frontier sciences.

The IGW, together with the international research group, IMAGO MUNDI (available here only in German, sorry), has been contemplating phenomena, behaviorial patterns, and insights into the boardline academic areas of Physics, Bios, Psyche, and Pneuma, ranging from proof and experience, from laws and sponaneity, from immanence and transcendence. Resch and his colleagues attempt to incorportate these phenomena into an honest depiction of the world through interpretation, publication, information, and documentation (please see the Resch Publishing House's directory).

Included here are a series of publications by IMAGO MUNDI, "Personation and Psychotherapy", a series dealing with Burkhard Heim's uniform description of the world, and the "Wunder von Seligen und Heiligen" (the "Wonders of the Soulful and Holy"). Magazines include „Grenzgebiete der Wissenschaft (GW)"  (Frontiers of Science) and „ETHICA Wissenschaft und Verantwortung" (Ethics of Science and Responsibility).

March 6, 1998

Finally!! The first issue of the DIWAN MAGAZINE is finished! We hope to receive many responses and discussion points to the articles. Additionally, one can comment on individual articles or make a general comment on the issue's main topic, "Life Energy Research". Each article is linked with a commentary button.

The Diwan Network has a new cooperation partner, the Gmünder Ersatzkasse (GEK), who we would like to give a hearty welcome to! A study from the GEK is published on this site (unfortunately only in German). "Die Bewertung therapeutischer Maßnahmen bei atopischer Dermatitis und Psoriasis aus der Perspektive der Patienten unter Berücksichtigung komplementärmedizinischer Verfahren" We have added graphics to the article, which is especially interesting for afflicted patients as well as for doctors and researchers.

January 16, 1998

Happy New Year! In the past three weeks, many great developments have been occuring here at the Datadiwan. Since the Datadiwan's facelift on Christmas, we are averaging more than 950 hits daily!

In the beginning of February, we will publish our maiden issue of the DIWAN-MAGAZINE. The first issue will concentrate on life energy and Orgone research. Original research about such experiments naturally will be included.

On this note, we would like to mention to our local readers that on Sunday, Febraury 1, 1998 Bernhard Harrer will hold a lecture based on his personal research of Orgone and Wilhelm Reich. This lecture is in German. The English title is "Is there really nothing to Orgone? About the measuring techniques for the physical experiments of Wilhelm Reich". The lecture is will be held at:
Der Berliner Transpersonale Frühschoppen, 10:00-13:00, at the Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Haus, Ziegelstr. 30 in Berlin-Mitte (U and S-Bahn Friedrichstraße). The cost for non-members of the German Transpersonal Society is 10,- DM.

December 24, 1997

As a Christmas present to all our web surfers, the Datadiwan has been outfitted with a completely new layout, and we are sure that this new style will appeal to our readers. Naturally, we look forward to all entries into our new Guestbook. We made it a special point to install navigational buttons on our web pages in order to make usage and searching within this domain more comfortable and systematic. It can be possible that in the beginning, some system errors could occur. We suggest that you email our webmaster directly so that the problem can be fixed as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your efforts!

At the Datadiwan domain you will find more than 5,000 literature references and 900 addresses. We are averaging 650 hits daily!

Have fun, enjoy the holidays - and a Happy New Year !!

...from the Team of the Datadiwan.
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