A Project for Public Information on Complementary Medicine
Author: Harrer, Bernhard; Stange, Rainer 
Subject: Consulting for Patients in the Area of Complementary Medicine, Naturopathy, Consulting, Documentation, Research 
Abstract: Graphic Design and Evaluation of the Patienteninformation's Services (Consulting) 
Copyright: B. Harrer, Berlin 1996 
Info Jockey's Comment: Evaluation during the first 18 months of the patient consulting, which was presented as a poster at the "3rd Annual Symposium on Complementary Health Care" from December 11 - 13, 1996 at the University of Exeter, Great Britain. [IJBH]
4. Apr. 1997

Here You can see the Graphic Design of the Patienteninformation's Services


Layout: Datadiwan eMail: webmeister@datadiwan.de